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Why choose Automation robot ?

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Milling Robots: A Cost-Effective Alternative to Traditional CNC Machining

For many milling works the question is not whether to automate, but how to do . Why manufacturers are choosing automation but not the traditional CNC today.

The milling Robots give manufacturers flexibility in the industry by large capital equipment. In addition, The automation technology provides a new option for modern manufacturing. From creating molds for the plastics industry to beautiful artist works, the possibilities afforded by robotic milling open new doors for manufacturers and can increase the productivity of the milling process. 

This article covers the basics of milling robots, compares this technology to traditional options in the industry, and discusses when you should consider purchasing a milling robot.

ROBOTCAM provides complete automation packages including control system integration as well as robot integration systems. Our engineers will be pleased to assist you in getting the best out of your robot cell project.

Basics of Robotic Milling

  • Robot hardware

  • Machine tooling and spindle

  • Workpiece jig

  • Safety guarding


About Us
Artech Robotcam is the leading company specializing in refurbishment and sales of used robots. We provide not only used industrial robots but also robot spare parts, robot welding systems and lasers machines.
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