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Robot Arm Wood Carving System Design

Views: 168     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-05-16      Origin: Site

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The six degrees of freedom joint robot is applied to woodworking engraving, The system design is divided into two parts: hardware system integration and software programming. Hardware system integration mainly involves spindle system design, information interaction and configuration, PLC program control; Software programming processing focuses on how to transform the surface of the 3D wood carving model into the programming trajectory of the robot.

Due to the low hardness of wood raw materials, good cutting performance, high-speed cutting

The surface deformation of wood processing is small, and higher geometric accuracy and better surface roughness can be obtained. In the system integration, the spindle adopts the high-speed milling method of the variable frequency spindle to realize the engraving operation, and the KUKA KR120 6-DOF series joint robot realizes the trajectory planning according to the programming instructions. Meanwhile, the robot control cabinet KRC4 serves as the master station to control the slave station S7-1214 PLC to realize the variable frequency speed adjustment.

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