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Information Interaction And Configuration

Views: 16     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-06-06      Origin: Site

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The information interaction mainly involves that the industrial robot I/O output command should directly act on the multi-speed speed regulation of the inverter, and the safety input signal should be fed back to the robot. Therefore, hardware and protocol configurations are included here. Considering that there are many ways for KUKA robot to expand I/O, the relatively common Profinet protocol is selected and Siemens S7-1214 is configured to expand I/O. Through Siemens Botu software, the robot control system KRC4 is expanded robot I/O through Profinet bus protocol. After the hardware connection, set the input and output of the robot to the I and O addresses of the PLC to complete the PLC configuration of Profinet.

Using Workvisual software, the mapping configuration of robot 1/O and PLC IO is realized, the model of robot and the version of control system are correctly selected, and the robot address mapping of digital input and output I/O is configured. At this time, the general input of the robot is the output of the PLC, and the general output of the robot is the input of the PLC.


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