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BR6 Series Twin-rotating Robot
Views: 66 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2024-08-15 Origin: Site
BR6 series twin-rotating robot
The robot is Wasu's BR6 series twin-rotating robot. On the basis of the general six-axis robot, the BR6 series double-rotation robot, bold innovation in structure and algorithm, proposed the concept of double-rotation for the first time, which is the first in the industrial robot industry.
It can not only realize all the functions of the standard universal six-axis robot (external rotation), but also rotate from within itself (internal rotation), the maximum weight of the body is only 56 kg, and the body lightweight design is realized in the structure, and the high-speed motor is used, and the motion inertia is greatly reduced in combination with the robot internal rotation mode. The comprehensive use of the same traditional structure of the robot speed increased by more than 30%, repeated positioning accuracy still maintains a high precision of 0.02mm ~ ±0.06 mm, the breakthrough two-spin structure can well achieve the requirements of many factories in small space operations, and meet the installation of robots in any direction, no floor bearing insufficient concerns.
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